Call for Papers

Dear Participant,

The first Political Psychology Symposium, which aimed to bring together researchers from different disciplines and contribute to the political psychology literature, was organized on 5-6 June 2023 in cooperation with Istanbul Medeniyet University and Istanbul University. The symposium titled "International Symposium on Republic’s Political Psychology in its Centenary" brought together 65 researchers from 15 different universities. The symposium book, which consists of the abstracts of 32 papers presented for two days and the full texts submitted, was published in e-book format by Istanbul Medeniyet University Publications:

The second Political Psychology Symposium will be organized this year by Istanbul Medeniyet University, Police Academy and Istanbul University on 24 October 2024. The sub-title of the symposium is “Democracy and Effective Citizenship” and within this framework, it is aimed to address issues such as the effects of democratic form of government on individual and social psychology, the evolution of political attitudes and behaviors in the democratization process, and the psychological factors behind the awareness of being an effective citizen. In addition to these, the relationship between democratic culture and civic consciousness; the reflections of the functioning of media and political institutions in democratic societies on civic virtue; the impact of party systems on democratic processes and many similar topics are within the scope of this symposium.
The symposium is open to academics, researchers and graduate students from the fields of political science and psychology as well as other related disciplines such as sociology, history, philosophy, law, economics, international relations and security studies.
The language of the symposium is Turkish and English. The work presented must not have been published or presented anywhere before. Paper topics should be prepared by considering the categories determined by the Organizing Committee.
Participants will be able to apply to the symposium with their abstracts, but only the full texts presented will be published. The submitted full texts will be included in a symposium book to be published in e-book format by Istanbul Medeniyet University Publications or in the Journal of the Faculty of Political Sciences, depending on the preference of the participants.
Abstracts and full texts will be sent via e-mail to the symposium e-mail address:

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